Support for the Health Equity Compact's

From left, are Dr. Guy L. Fish, MBA, President & CEO of Greater Lawrence Family Health Center; Dr. LaShaya Nolen, Founder & Executive Director of We Got Us; Dr. Thea James, Associate Chief Medical Officer of Boston Medical Center; and one of the bill’s sponsors, the Hon. Rep. Bud Williams.

Greater Lawrence Family Health Center’s President & CEO Guy L. Fish MD, MBA, was among the health systems leaders and community members to testify in support of the legislation, which aims to advance equitable health outcomes by prioritizing health equity in state government, standardizing and reporting on health equity data, and improving access to and quality of care.

The bill is sponsored by State Sens. Pavel Payano, and Liz Miranda, and State Reps. Judith Garcia and Bud Williams. It is also championed by the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, whose CEO, Michael Curry, Esq., also testified.

The Health Equity Compact is a coalition of over 80 leaders of color who seek to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable health outcomes for all residents of the Commonwealth. Compact members are high-level executives and experts from a diverse set of health, business, philanthropic and labor organizations, including hospitals, health centers, payers, academic institutions, and public health. Its mission is to realize bold statewide policy and institutional practice changes that center racial justice and health equity. Its members are committed to eliminating health inequities as the next chapter of health reform.

Dozens of supporters testify at the State House in Boston in support of the Health Equity Compact's