Comprehensive HIV Care for Adults and Children
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center provides access to coordinated, comprehensive, culturally and linguistically competent counseling, testing, primary and specialty care for individuals living with HIV.
HIV Medical Case Management
- HIV Testing using either traditional venipuncture or the rapid HIV test is available at all clinic sites and seeks to implement the CDC recommendations for testing all patients 13-64.
- Ongoing primary care augmented by regular case consultation with an AAHIVM-certified provider. HIV patients are seen for primary care at all sites by various providers. They are also seen at least annually in the Consultation Care Clinic where their care is reviewed by the entire HIV team.
- HIV Nursing collaborates with clinicians to oversee HIV patient care, especially ensuring that all periodic tests and interventions are completed and all values are reviewed, and medications monitored, as well as providing direct nursing care.
- Medical Case Management for Health Center Patients maximizes the benefits derived from compliance with care and removes barriers that may exist. This service includes supported referrals to specialty services, adherence support, food programs, transportation services, assistance with accessing necessary benefits.
- HIV Nutrition Services are provided to Health Center patients by a Registered Dietician and include one on one education for HIV/AIDS patients addressing healthy eating, weight control and disease management, as well as group nutrition workshops focusing on food education and nutrition.
PrEP Medication: Protection from HIV
PrEP (PreExposure Prophylasxis) is the daily use of antiretroviral medication in those considered at high risk for contracting HIV.
The use of this medication, when taken appropriately and before HIV exposure occurs, can prevent new infections in those at risk. Studies in both the clinical trial and real world settings have demonstrated that it can reduce new HIV infections by approximately 50-85% in at-risk populations.
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center is piloting the PrEP Program, prescribing it to at-risk patients, raising awareness among GLFHC providers and expanding the use of PrEP in the general primary care setting to reduce the overall number of new HIV infections in our service area.

Protect Yourself from HIV
Take PrEP: A medication (Truvada) taken once daily can help prevent HIV