
Our West Pharmacy at 700 Essex St., Lawrence, has reopened after expanding into new space. Thank you for your patience and understanding. People may pick up prescriptions during normal business hours and call the West Pharmacy directly at 978-691-6248.

To remember those who have died due of substance abuse, GLFHC’s Community Support Services Team hosted an event for patients and the community on August 31, which is International Overdose Awareness Day.

There was a big turnout for the beautiful event at the health center’s Water Street, Lawrence site, including patients, neighbors and many of their community partners.

International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died from overdose, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. This year’s theme was “Recognizing those People who go Unseen.”

Numerous people took the time to remember a loved one and write a note to them at the Remembrance Table. Others sought support for themselves or loved ones, and many took the time to talk and get to know their neighbors. In addition to getting educational materials and advice from support councilors, attendees were able to grab some food and beverages – and even dance to some music.

Financial support for the event was provided by the Lawrence HEAL Coalition (HEALing Communities Study). Other organizations joining the event were:

  • The Northeast Recovery Learning Community
  • Project North
  • Merrimack Valley Prevention and Substance Abuse Project
  • Merrimack Valley Dream Center
  • Spectrum Health
  • Lawrence Comprehensive Treatment Center – Opioid Use Disorder Program

GLFHC said it is grateful to its partners for all their support, and to everyone who came out for the event.