
Our West Pharmacy at 700 Essex St., Lawrence, has reopened after expanding into new space. Thank you for your patience and understanding. People may pick up prescriptions during normal business hours and call the West Pharmacy directly at 978-691-6248.

GLFHC President & CEO Guy L. Fish, MD, MBA (center) presents members of The Ellie Fund with the Rosalyn Kempton Wood Award for Inspirational Leadership. The members are, from left, Camille Bryant, Cheryl Whetstone, Meredith Mendelson, Dr. Fish, Nekia Clark, Denise Hayes, and Susan Gilmore.

Greater Lawrence Family Health Center held its 13th Annual In Pink Brunch for Women’s Health at Andover Country Club. The organization presented The Ellie Fund with the Rosalyn Kempton Wood Award for Inspirational Leadership. 

Read more about the event and view our photo gallery on our In Pink webpage: https://glfhc.org/inpink/.