Applicants to LFMR last year

Welcome from the CEO

Dear Prospective Lawrence Family Medicine Resident,

As President and CEO of the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, I say to you, “Congratulations! You have taken that most important step towards a truly fulfilling career by checking out one of the finest residency programs in these United States.” And I say this with zero hyperbole.

Remember that feeling you got in your stomach when you told friends and family you would be attending medical school?  The notion that your life would be spent helping people in need? That is what we do here at GLFHC, and we want you to be a part of it while you develop clinical skills and practice patterns for treating patients and improving the health of communities.

For over 40 years, GLFHC has been at the forefront in providing critical access to medical services, but more importantly in addressing the social injustices that give rise to medical needs. Our community of clinicians and staff practice culturally-appropriate care, most often in the language of our patients. With our groundbreaking residency program, we have continued to train and launch new generations of socially-minded physicians empowered to make a difference.  We hope this includes you.

GLFHC will be embarking on a new phase of social activism, looking with intentionality at the upstream social determinants of health which drive members of our community to come see us for medical issues.  We will be prioritizing the dozens of upstream factors into those with big impact, and those that are addressable through our own actions, and in partnership with community organizations.  Our goal is nothing short of elevating the health and wellbeing of the entire community.

While we provide you with a superb residency, we look to our residents to provide fresh eyes, keen insights, innovative solutions, and a ‘can-do’ spirit to help us transform communities.  If this excites you, we look forward to you joining us.


Guy L. Fish, MD MBA
CEO & President
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center